Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Odds and ends

I took this photo of the bridge in Bodiam whilst out on my run on Sunday. The river floods each year and this year it was as high as the top of the arches!

There was a 'Classic Car' show and fair there too so we popped along for a look. Lots of cars from the 60s and 70s that we remembered from growing up. There were also lots of veteran cars too and this one had to be photographed; not because it was the most remarkable or beautiful car there, but because it has a lovely sassy lady sitting in it. The car was a Hudson from around 1930 and a man looked longingly at it and remarked "beautiful!" to which the lady replied "yes, and the car's not bad either!" She was an elderly lady but she still had a lovely twinkle in her eyes.
There are always lots of stalls and attractions at these sort of things and there was a birds of prey stand with lots of owls and a falcon. This little chap was eager to have his photo taken. He's a Barn Owl, one of our native owls.

Inbetween weaving in the squillions of ends on Autumn Rose I have been having fun with my Crazy Daisy maker and this is what I've produced. I'm going to join them all together to make a scarf. I've just been using up leftover bits of yarn in my stash and managed to find some good matching colours.

Now I've got to crochet round them all to join them.

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